Friday, November 30, 2007

The holidays are in full swing!

Random Things:
I have found that I love jalapenos! Strange I know, but I like them a lot....on pretty much everything!
My job is going well. I am learning the "last part" the drivers papers. It's actually pretty fun to do! I am still learning, but I feel like I am getting a good handle on it! Then I will really know pretty much everything about this office! It's a great feeling to know what is going on! I know the summer will be SUPER busy with adding drivers papers to the work I already do, but I think it's doable. And the more familiar I get with everything, the faster I will get!
I noticed I don't blog about work much anymore, but I am sure that is a good thing. If I was blogging about it, I would more than likely be blogging about all the things I hate about it!
Travis has been continuing to do a spectacular job at his work. He really enjoys it and they really enjoy having him. He is always impressing everyone! I love the way he can just think through a situation so quickly and find a solution. He is going to go so far! He is working on getting 3 sites ready to launch in a brand new format that he designed. It's not public yet, but he shows me all that he's done and it is amazing! I am so proud of him.
We are doing very well. We have really been enjoying each other and the new house and where were are in our lives right now. I feel like we are finding our groove in life! It's so great to be married to your best friend! We have had so much fun over the years and there is so much more to come. It's fun working through life's problems together and finding our own solutions!
Speaking of fun, it's almost December, which is by far, one of my very favorite months! I LOVE Christmas....the cold air, all the crazy shoppers, the decorations, the music, the sales, the lights, the programs, the's so festive! Trav and I are going to pick out and cut down our tree tomorrow and then we're going to decorate the house! I am really looking forward to it!
Well, I am leaving work at 4 today because I have to go to the dentist. I like getting my teeth cleaned, because I like them being clean, and getting checked and all that good stuff, but I don't like the actual cleaning part. It will be nice to have it out of the way though. And then the weekend officially begins! Trav and I are going to dinner at a place we haven't tried yet tonight. We haven't even picked where we're going yet, but it's going to be fun!
Well, I'm going to get back to work.... 2.5 hours to go! Have a great weekend and a happy December!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving dinner....a success!

The long weekend is over! It's so hard to get back into the groove! I want more time off!! :) But it was a great weekend! We were VERY busy, so it flew by even faster than normal!
Wednesday evening we cooked and cleaned!! We even got off work at 2, and we were still cleaning until after 10!!! But we got it done!! We had a small panic attack
with the turkey…..we took it out of the fridge on Wednesday at about 8 just to make sure it was thawed…and it WASN"T! It was still frozen on the bottom! So we put it in cold water so we could at least work the neck out and the giblets. By the way, turkeys are really gross!
Anyway, we left it in the water until we went to bed at midnight. It was almost thawed when we went to bed, so we figured by morning it would be ok.
We woke up at 8:30 on Thursday to get the turkey in the bag, and into the oven!! Once we got it into the oven, we showered and got ready.
Then we basically just had to sit and wait until 11 before we could really start preparing the rest of the food. That was probably the worst part!
We got started on the mashed potatoes, green salad, and everything else at 11:30, and my parents showed up at 12:30. My mom brought
lots of goodies and a couple gifts!! Things started getting hectic after they arrived! It was fun, but a little overwhelming!
We got all the food prepared and into the oven right when Trav's parents and grandfather arrived at 1:30!
We broke out the appetizers and the wine and chatted while the food finished cooking! Everything was ready right at 2, so we loaded all the food onto our buffet table and
finally sat down at the table!! It felt good to sit and I was starving! I had been smelling the yummy food cooking since about 10, so I was ready to eat!
We talked and ate for an hour and 1/2! Later we cleaned up and then sat down for dessert! The Clarks left a little after 5pm.
My parents stayed and we watched a movie until about 9. All in all, I'd say it was a successful Thanksgiving dinner!!
After all the company left, I looked over the ads for the day after Thanksgiving sales! Air and I strategized a plan of attack, and I set my alarm for 3:45 to get up and start the shopping!!
I didn't get much sleep that night because I wasn't tired until 11! I rolled out of bed at about 4, threw on some clothes, and was ready right when Air pulled up.
We got to Dutch Bros for coffee at 4:20, and to Gottschalks at 4:40 where we stood in the 28 degree weather waiting for the doors to open at 5!! From then on it was a madhouse of shopping and standing in long lines to get all the deals from 5 - 10am!!
At 10 we went to the house to pick the boys up and head to Salem. We didn't finish shopping until 3!! My feet were VERY sore!
We got lots of good deals though, and had a great time! We finished off the day with a nice meal from The Olive Garden! Yummy!
Trav and I headed home and watched a couple movies before turning in at midnight!
Saturday we slept in until 11, when we got up and headed to my parents house. I helped my mom at the shop until 3, then we all headed to the Willamette Valley Vineyards
for a wine tasting they were having. We had a great time and enjoyed the beautiful view from the tower there!! We enjoyed almost all the wines, and Trav bought me a bottle of a delicious white!!
We headed home at about 6:30, and got ready to meet up with Monika! We hung out and talked until a little after 2, when I finally turned in for the evening!!
Sunday we slept in until noon and started right in on the chores!! We had a lot to do, since we hadn't done much since company left on Thursday!
I have been enjoying turkey, cream cheese and cranberry sandwiches, and mashed potato patties! And rolls! Yum!
Oh, and I have been LOVING all the Christmas music!The season is here! This weekend Trav and I are going to pick out and cut down our tree! Then we will decorate it and get the house and Chirstmas'd out!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Turkey day is coming

It's already Tuesday afternoon! Only 2 days until Thanksgiving! I can't believe how quickly it is coming! I'm getting pretty excited with all the last minute details for having Thanksgiving at the house this year! The Turkey is thawing in the fridge and I have purchased all the ingredients to make the meal! Now I just have to wait for the day to come so I can get to work!!
Tomorrow evening it starts! We are cleaning the house and getting all the appetizers ready tomorrow!
Today Trav and I went to the DMV to turn in our passport applications. It makes our trip seems so much more real now that we've done that! We are planning on booking the trip this weekend. We are booking a trip to the Caribbean at an all-inclusive resort! It's going to be so nice! Now we just have to pick where we want to go and which resort we want to stay at.
Passports are no cheap thing either! Man, $250 down the drain that fast! Oh well! I'm sure we will use them a few times in the next 10 years! I hope so anyway.
Last night we were watching some sit-coms on TV, and all the shows were having their Thanksgivings. The girls were wearing the cutest little holiday outfits, so I begged Travis to go with me to find one! I found 3 really cute ones! I can't wait to wear them over the holidays! And it made me so much more excited to go shopping at the day after thanksgiving sales!
Well, it's almost time to go, so I need to finish my work! Tonight we are going to Air's for fajitas! Yummy! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Air's Bday!!!

Last weekend was a blast!
Friday Trav and I got off work at 2, so we could leave a little early to celebrate our anniversary! We met at the house and just hung out for a little while, before heading to Corvallis.
Our first stop was the High School. We walked around the campus and reminisced. It was really fun. Just being there brought back so many memories!! We even went to the spot where he asked me out. The campus has changed a lot over the past 7 years! It was hard to believe that we haven't been there for that long!
We left for Dairy Queen at 4:30, and shared a chicken strip basket, cheeseburger, and blizzard....just like we did on our first date!
Then we took a walk down to the majestic theatre where Travy gave me my first kiss.
We headed back to the car at that point and drove through the beautiful neighborhoods in the hills of Corvallis for about an hour. It was so much fun! The neighborhoods are so beautiful, but even more than that the memories that come along with it for us makes it truly special! We used to drive out in the hills almost every day!
We finally headed home at about 7, and snuggled up on the couch with some movies.

Saturday we slept in, and when we got up we headed to the gym. Afterwards we got ready for Air's bday dinner! Air and K showed up at our house at 3:30 and Air opened her gift from me and we celebrated with a glass of champagne.
We headed to Roadhouse at 4. Dinner was delicious!! Airs parents even picked up the tab, which was completely unexpected and very nice! Air and I had strawberry lemonades with vodka in them and they came in huge mason jars! By the end of that drink I was already having to much fun!!
At about 6:30 we headed home and made it to the liquor store just in time! We bought all the goodies we needed for the evening and headed to Airs! We made jello shots and put them in the fridge to set, and made ourselves some drinks. We started playing the drinking game, crazy eights, at about 8. By 10, everyone was feeling really good! Air had a few work friends come by at 10, and we all celebrated with the jello shots! At 11 we all decided to go to the bar.
At that point I had drank enough for the whole evening, but I still managed to get 3 drinks at the bar!! At least they were spread out from 11 - 2!
We had a really good time, and Air had fun which was the whole point!

Sunday and Monday I spent recovering from Saturday! Really!
I worked for my mom for a few hours on Sunday. It was fun! I like working with my mom!

Tuesday Air and K came over for dinner. Trav and I tried a new recipe of Chicken Lo Mein. We were a little nervous to try out a new recipe on friends, and this one especially since we haven't made many Chinese dishes. It turned out really well though!

Last night we went to the gym and then Lindsey came over for a couple hours. It was really good to see her! We have both been very busy and haven't been able hang out nearly as much as we'd like! We agree on so many things, it's fun to chat about it all!!

Tonight we are having my parents over for Spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad! And wine! :) It's going to be a good night!

I am excited that it's Thursday, because that means Friday is right around the corner!! This weekend we don't have a lot of plans yet, but I know we will manage to stay busy! I think we are going cosmic bowling with some friends on Saturday night!

Next week is Thanksgiving! I am getting really excited for the holidays! I am still a little nervous to be hosting Thanksgiving dinner, but I think with Trav's help it will go smoothly! I just hope everything tastes yummy!!

I am excited for shopping on Friday also! I have been saving some money for a few months and I get to spend it all on myself! I thought the day after thanksgiving sales would be a perfect chance!

Trav and I will probably decorate the house for Christmas next Friday also! And the next weekend we will go cut our tree! We always have a lot of fun picking out and cutting down our tree! This will be the first year we will be decorating our new house for Christmas! I think it will look very cozy! It's going to be fun!!

Alright, I've already written far to much! I just haven't blogged for a while so I had a lot to say!
Have a great Thursday and a fabulous weekend!

Friday, November 9, 2007

9 year anniversary

Today marks Travis and I's 9 year anniversary from the day he asked me out November 9, 1998. I am excited to go celebrate with him this evening! I can still remember that day so well, even what I wore and what time he asked me!
I can't wait to get off work early! Tomorrow we are celebrating Air's 26th bday. I am looking forward to it! I think this is going to be a very good weekend!

To my husband Travis:
Happy 9 year anniversary! It's hard to believe we have been together for 9 years already. I have enjoyed every day. Thank you for making life so much fun and such an adventure! Never a dull moment!
You were a wonderful boyfriend and have proven yourself as an amazing, selfless, loving, committed husband.
Here's to 69 more years together!! I love you with all my heart and soul.

Monday, November 5, 2007

November is here!

Good Morning.
Our weekend was relaxing. It’s sad that it’s already over. It was perfect fall weather. Cold crisp air, but the sun was shining!! It was beautiful!
Friday night after work we ran a few errands, and then soaked our work stresses away in a nice hot bath. It was very relaxing. Afterwards we headed to Air’s for Tacos and movies! A relaxing night is just what the doctor ordered! We watched Spiderman 3, which was very good, Killing Jake something or other, which was funny, but silly, and started Hollywoodland, but I fell asleep about 10 minutes into that one!
The tacos were delicious and laying around in my sweatpants and sweatshirt after a long hot bath was perfect!
Saturday we slept in until 11. We decided to get all our chores and errands done Saturday instead of Sunday this week, to get it over with and also to get some food to eat! So we worked on cleaning up, sorting laundry, grocery shopping, etc until about 4. Air came over to have omlets and biscuits and gravy with us at about 5. We made jello shots and talked and laughed until the Beavers Game started on tv. It was exciting being able to watch the game on tv for once! The game however, was not very exciting. It was pretty depressing really. The final score was 24 to 3. Ouch. Better luck next game Beavs!
Air, Trav and I had a great time sitting around talking and drinking! K showed up at about 10 and we hung out until about 3 in the morning!
Sunday we slept in until almost 1!! We finally rolled out of bed and Trav mowed the lawn while I started the laundry. My mom called and asked if I could come help her organize her shop so she could fit someone her new Christmas inventory in!! So we headed to my parents at about 3 to help out. We also scored a shrimp and steak dinner while we were there! It was fun. We ended up leaving at about 6. We ended the weekend just finishing the laundry and watching some tv.
It was relaxing, which is what I wanted!!
This weekend will not be so relaxing! Trav and I are celebrating our 9 year dating anniversary on Friday. It will be a lot of fun! Saturday we are celebrating Air’s 26th bday!! We are probably going to go to a nice dinner in Portland and then find a good night club there!
I found out last night that I am hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. I’m excited, but I’m also nervous. It will be a smaller than normal group, so it will be a good way to break me in! We are having my parents and my brother, and Travs parents and his granddad! On the menu is: appetizers, deviled eggs, olives, and pickles, and of course wine and champagne! For dinner: a 20lb turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green salad, candied yams, stuffing, cool whip fruit salad, green bean casserole, rolls, and cranberry sauce. And dessert, Pumpkin pie and cherry cheese cake!!! It will be quite the event!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Well, back to work for now! Have a great week!