Things are going well overall! Things I've noticed so far this (2nd) trimester:
my face is almost always flushed. Overly rosey cheeks!
I have more energy, but not as much as I thought I would have
Itchy skin
Less worry
I am trying my very hardest to put the mama oil on every day now. I really don't want stretch marks if I can help it!
Thanksgiving was fabulous. We went to Kathy and Roberts with Amber, Jason, Coraline and Grandad for lunch. It was fun and I ate lots of good food! We headed to my parents at 5 and played games and talked with Sara, Joel and my parents. And ate more. Duh. :)
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Thanksgiving |
Air and I went shopping on Black Friday as usual. Kohl's opened at 3am this year so we decided to just stay up all night instead of trying to get 2 hours of sleep! We started at 1:30 at Old Navy, then went to Kohls, then Bi-Mart, and the mall. We were SO worn out and home by 9! I slept from 9 - 3 and then napped most of the rest of the day when I got up. I got some great deals though. Most of my Christmas shopping done! And Trav and I's big gift to each other....a Dyson Ball Animal! It's awesome.
Crazy is an understatement!! My co-worker....the only one who works in classifieds with me, well her dad died :(. So she has been out all week and I've been doing it all! Which is just crazy. I have been chasing my tail. Tuesday and yesterday the phone started ringing the moment I walked in the door, and didn't stop until I left!
So, whats new with me? Well I had a docs appointment yesterday. Actually 2. One with the D Educator, and one with the OB. The D educator put a cbgm on me to track my sugars for a few days. I get it off on Monday. So far I DISLIKE it. She set it to alarm every 20 minutes if the sensor sensed it 80 or under. Well at midnight it woke me up and said it was 80. I tested it with my reg tester and it said it was 108. SO I cleared it and figured it would stop. Oh no. It stayed about 80 all night and the pump alarmed me every 20 minutes and we couldn't figure out in our sleepy stuper how to make it stop.
So I am super tired today. We figured it out this morning. So I reset the low alarm to 65 or less (since thats really like 85 apparently!) and to alarm me every 40 minutes!
Other than that, I had an u/s at my OB appt. The baby's hearts were both beating and they were moving around. :) They aren't moving as much as they used too...I think because they have less room. Anyway, no guarentees yet, but they think one is a boy. :) I have a specialist appointment tomorrow (btw I looked at my claims and my last appointment to the specialist was $1600!!!! Isn't that crazy?! I had no idea a docs appointment could even cost that much! Thank God for insurance that covered 80%) They are going to measure the organs at this appointment. It always makes me a little bit nervous. I just want everything to be perfect!
What else..... I can't really think of anything right now. I'm 18 weeks! I feel so blessed to be out of the 1st trimester, but we still pray every night that the babies will stay strong and healthy. I seem to be worrying less over all. Thats a good thing!
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18 weeks |
I THINK I FELT THE BABIES MOVE LAST NIGHT!!! I think. After dinner a part of my stomach felt kinda tight and I touched it and it was really hard right there. Then later that night I laid down to listen to their hearts with the doppler and I swear it felt like a little foot kicked at the doppler! So then I started paying close attention and I think I felt them a few more times but I ALSO think when I felt them I SAW my belly move a little! I called Trav in and of course they stopped but I think they gave one more good kick before we stopped watching and he caught a glimpe of my belly move. hehe. So much fun. Now I just want them to move all the time! I've heard it comes in spirts though, so I'll try to be patient.
I'm other news, Air had her first docs appt. They confirmed she was pg....saw the babies heartbeat and everything! she measured at just over 9 weeks, but they are going to count her at 10 weeks as of the 14th, (based on her last p) for now, which gives her a due date of July 12th. It looks like they've decided to get married in CA at Disneyland. Kind of a bummer because I won't be able to go I'm sure. I'll be in the 3rd tri when they have the wedding and I'm sure I won't be allowed to fly or go for a long drive. But I'll ask the specialist today.
Anyway, hoping everything looks good when they are measuring the organs today at the specialist!! And I'd LOVE to see some sexes too! Show me your stuff babies! :)
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Baby legs.... :) |
The verdict is......... 2 boys!!!!!!! Yeah, we are really excited. One of each would have been fun too! But God wants us to have 2 boys and that is just fine with me! I've always gotten along with boys better anyway. LOL. In even more exciting news, I've started noticing MOVEMENT! Best feeling ever. Seriously. I love it. And last night I was laying on my side and it kinda stretched my skin thinner and one or both of them was going to town right where it was thinned out. I could even feel them on the outside! So I had Trav come feel and after a few minutes they kicked him too! It was so cool seeing his face light up! Also, we just laid back after about a half hour and watched my belly and we could see it moving when they kicked!
The specialist said so far everything looks good! I have an echo for the babies hearts in 4 weeks, on the 13th. Hopefully everything looks good there too!
Erika JUST told me that she has decided to get married here in good ole Corvallis. I cried. I was really sad about missing her wedding. I already missed Lacee's and it was hard to think I'd miss hers too! So she is getting married at her parents house in the backyard. Small wedding, 20 or so people. I am the MOH and I am thrilled to have this roll. We are going to probably order my dress online, since it'll need to be maternity. We are going dress shopping for her the first free weekend in January! The wedding date is quickly approaching! I'm trying to help with finding flowers and cake and stuff too! Then they are having a big reception in late August! That will be really fun!
I can't believe Christmas is over and it's back to work!
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Trav and I Christmas Morning |
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Joel and I decorating a gingerbread house |
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Ready for presents! |
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Just bein goofy |
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And I got Trav in on it. Sportin our new ear muffs from Joel |
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Trav got a new bib from Mom |
I'm happy for another 3 day weekend this weekend, but then it's the long haul until these babies are born! No more holiday's. I'll survive! It just looks grim. :) Our Christmas was good. We got tons of baby clothes. Seriously!! Everyone wants to buy the clothes because they are so darn cute. :) We desperately need to get the nursery cleaned out and organized soon! And the closet in there so we can start hanging stuff up!
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Christmas gift from Shell and D. SO cute! |
I'm starting to feel what I think are kicks, but could be punches, higher up toward my ribs. I like it. It's easier to feel! I've gotten 2 - 3 good hits up high. Still the majority is down low.
Erika and I had our friends Christmas dinner which we've been doing for 3 years now. We cooked a ham this year because it was easier!! It was lots of fun! We had a couple people cancel last minute, but we still had 15 people there. It was busy, but not too hard because Erika and I do it together so it takes a lot of the stress and strain off both of us! However, I am so tired today because not everyone left until well after 11, and I normally am in bed by 10! It's amazing how much of a difference 2 hours of sleep makes!
The echo on the babies is in less than 3 weeks!
A new year is here!!
I was craving a hamburger and I got one Friday night, and Sat I went wedding dress shopping with Air and we got whopper jrs and milkshakes! We found Air's dress! It is so beautiful! It's a Maggie, just like mine! We also found a dress for me! yay! It has stretchy material so I have room to grow!
Trav and Bob tried to fix the rotors on the Previa and found out they got the wrong sized rotors. So they couldn't fix them. And we just picked up the Malibu that has been in the shop for a week and when we got it hope found a big pool of coolant under it, and the coolant reservoir empty. So, it's much worse than it was before and thats after spending over $900 to fix it. So, here we are, back to 3 cars all needing repair. I know looking back this won't be a big deal, but right now it is very frustrating! And I feel like if one more thing goes wrong I am going to lose it. I am trying so hard to give it all to God and trust Him to be taking care of everything.
I've noticed lately that I eat a lot more during the day. I'm hungrier and I'm blaming the babies! I'm going to need to keep a close eye on my weight.
I went to the specialist today for them to do the echo on the babies hearts. The babies looked great...they couldn't see everything that they wanted as the babies wouldn't cooperate 100%, but all that they did see looked great. Praise the Lord! .
I am cutting back on hours at work starting Friday the 11th. I won't be working Friday's starting then. I won't make any more cuts at work unless it's doctors orders.
holy cowboys and indians! Let me tell you what, drinking a gallon of water a day makes me have to pee every half hour! The boys must be sitting on my bladder making it so much smaller! Takes away the satisfaction of peeing when you don't get much out!!
They are SOOOO active the last couple days. I've read that they are the most active week 24 - 28 and I am here to tell you it's true!!! :) I like feeling them move a lot.
Getting out of bed, or turning over in bed has become a large challenge too. Man o man I have 15 weeks to go!!
I like feeling the babies moving. :) Best when they aren't kicking me inside on my organs and stuff. I am working hard to drink a gallon on water a day. Good for the babies! I'm getting pretty close most days. It is a struggle though.
Watching my belly grow is fun, but it's as uncomfortable as it looks having a huge, tight, belly! haha. But it's fun too!
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23 weeks |
Oh, Trav's life insurance tests came back. He came in a super preferred so we got even lower rates. :) Praise the Lord!
And last weekend we got the nursery cleaned out. It's empty! Wahoo! Such a relief!! We rearranged our bedroom so it could fit the computer and computer desk. And of course the garage is super full of totes with clothes and things! Trav and I for the first time ever are sharing a closet and a dresser!! We're squeezed in there but I do like being in the same room! Now we need to paint. Trav wants to do a monkey theme which will be cute. He is going to paint a mural on the wall of a tree with blue leaves (blue and brown) and some monkeys in it. I think it's special that he's painting in their room!
Ladd had his baby boy on January 16th! He's a cutie! 7lbs 8 oz! I can't wait to meet him!
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Ladd and Theresa's baby boy |
Plus, on Sunday we got to go meet and hold D and S's baby Blake. She was so fun to cuddle with! I couldn't cradle her in my arm like I normally would because my belly would get in the way and push her but up. So I flipped her over and laid her on my chest. She is very sweet! Can't wait to hold my boys!
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Holding baby Blake |
I am going to have my baby shower on March 5th. The 5th seems a bit early, but really it's only 2 months before my due date and with the possibility of bed rest it's probably best to do it earlier! So, Air and I are working on invitations. We're going to get them ordered on Saturday and hopefully get them mailed out by next Friday! Fun fun fun!
Baby Stuff!! We are getting so blessed with baby stuff from people! Our dance instructors from Trav's old church had a boy a little over 2 years ago and they are done having kids so they gave us a couple boxes of his old clothes! Most of them are 12 - 18 months which is great! We need the bigger clothes because we've already gotten so many itty bitty baby clothes and I know with the shower and everything there are probably lots more coming!! Alicia also said she's give us some of the clothes her 3 year old Jadon has outgrown. She recently had a garage sale and got rid of a bunch, so she mainly has older clothes too, but that is GREAT! Our friends Buddy and Ashley got us some cute swaddle blankets and 3 little bulldog onsies. So precious! And one of our classmates from Santiam saw me in Motherhood Maternity when mom was taking me shopping. Jessica Edminston. Anyway, she said they are done having kids. They just had a boy 6 months ago. She said they have lots of stuff they'd be happy to give us. So we went to thier (beautiful) house on Sunday and hit the jackpot! We got a nice baby swing, a TON of adorable 0 - 6 month baby boy clothes, a bassinet, another baby bath (hey we need 2!) another boppy pillow (again, we need 2) and 2 graco car seat bases which are great because we wanted to keep bases in both cars! wahoo!!
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Cute little outfits from Tracy at work. The blue/brown one is a preemie. |
I think I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. My tummy is tight/hard so much. I normally don't feel anything, but if I touch my belly it's hard. So, I'll bring it up with my doc on Friday when I'm there. My forum buddies say it's fine. It worries me just a little because docs say to call if you have more thatn 3 bh an hour.....and I seriously hardly ever DON'T have them! I think they are just concerned it could be preterm labor and don't want to miss that. And I don't want to miss it either! I don't think thats what it is though, and I don't know how to track it if I can't even feel them!
We had our birthing meeting Friday and we'll be starting birthing classes Feb 16th. They go for 6 weeks. We'll also be taking a tour of the birth floor in the Corvallis hosp on Feb 9th. :) It's getting busy!!
Trav is going to paint the closet in the nursery this week and we'll put the closet organizer together this week. Next week he'll work on sketching the nursery mural and hopefully have it done and be able to paint it by Feb 5th. :)
I've been LIVING in stretch pants and my ugg rip off furry boots this whole pg so far! I am excited for it to warm up, but I don't want to give up my boots!! Once it's warm enough to wear flip flops, I'll switch to those! I've got a good month left of these wonderful boots though!