Travis and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Sunday, November 9th. We have been together for 10 years! Not married, I know, but together. It has been the best 10 years of my life!
We took the day off Sunday to celebrate! We even did our chores and errands on Saturday so we could just relax, hang out, and do whatever we wanted on Sunday. And, in case we wanted to stay up late, we took Monday morning off work so we could sleep in!
We started Sunday by sleeping in. We woke up several times, snuggled close together, and drifted back to sleep. It was so comforting and soothing being in Trav's arms.
We finally got out of bed at 11am, and got ready for the day. We started out at the Albany mall. We wanted to have lunch at the Flaming Wok, the little Chinese place in the mall. We used to eat there a lot and thought it would be fun to reminisce! It was, and the food was delicious! While we were eating, we wrote a list of all the things we have done on our anniversaries over the years. Here is what we came up with:
November 9, 1998 - Travis asked me out right after the "lunch is over" bell rang at school. It was 12:36pm on a Monday. I said yes. :)
November 9, 1999 - We went to the park near the school to exchange gifts. Travis gave me a big box. I unwrapped it, and inside was a smaller wrapped box. I unwrapped about 10 boxes before getting to the small box at the bottom. It was a diamond promise ring. Awwww, so sweet. I gave Travis 2 tickets to a dinner cruise on the Portland Rose Cruise boat, and a scrapbook I made of our first year together. We skipped school and went to our favorite restaurant, Amadore's Ally.
November 8 - 9, 2000 - We went to dinner at Micheal's Landing, and afterwards went to see Charlies Angels. After the movie was over it was midnight so we went back to my apartment and opened our gifts! I don't remember everything we got each other, but I do remember that Trav got me tons of clothes, and the all fit perfectly! I don't know how he did it!
November 9, 2001 - Dinner in Portland at the Brasserie Montmart. A fun jazz restaurant. There was a live band, and the tablecloths had white paper over them and crayons so we were able to color on our table! We colored about our experiences together. It was a great restaurant and a lot of fun!
November 9, 2002 - We stayed together in Portland. We had a Jacuzzi in our room! We took each other shopping at the Portland mall. We got each other several things, but the only thing I remember is getting each other an Italian charm bracelet. We went to dinner at Pazzo's and saw an Opera together at the Portland Opera.
November 9, 2003 - We got cash out to spend, and got it all in one's. We decided to spend the day doing whatever we wanted with our cash! We started at Elmers for breakfast. Someone bought our breakfast for us! We think because Travis was counting some change we has brought and they didn't think we had much money! After breakfast we went to Wunderland to play video games. We had a blast. We finished up the day at the Salem mall.
November 9, 2004 - We were now engaged. We went to Palm Springs on a 3 day weekend to stay with Lacee and Hunter. We had a lot of fun! We went to a really upscale bar, where even the beers were $10! Travis got me a beautiful white gold bracelet with a flower shape on it. We also went to Mexico to Club Iggy's and partied until 4am! I burned my leg on a big fire pit they had there.
November 9, 2005 - We had gotten married August 20th, so our dating anniversary wasn't as important anymore, but it was still important to us to acknowledge the date! So we went to Kin Tin in Corvallis for dinner.
November 9, 2006 - We got off work early to head to Portland to go to the Portland City Grill for dinner. It was SO good! It was a very fun date night.
November 9, 2007 - We spent the day reminiscing. We went to Dairy Queen for lunch, our first "Date" spot. We used to spend a lot of time at Dairy Queen because Travis worked there through high school. We also drove around the hills of Corvallis where we used to spend a lot of time. We'd look at the beautiful mansions in the hills and dream of owning one someday! We also found some great make out spots in the hills that we went back and revisited.
November 9, 2008 - We started out at the Albany mall! After lunch we went to Fred Meyer Jewelers to find a new wedding band for Trav. He lost his a couple years ago. We found the one we want to order! Then we went to Hallmark and picked each other out an anniversary card. Here is what the Trav got me said, "For my wife, Love isn't just hearts and flowers, though sweet words have their place. It's rainy days made sunny by the bright smile on your face. It's the little daily triumphs I can't wait to share with you. It's all the random rough spots that we help each other through... It's the way that you accept me- my good points, faults, and all. It's knowing you support me and feeling ten feet tall. It's wanting to be worthy of the trust you put in me. It's looking toward the future and liking what I see. It's mornings in the kitchen. It's cuddling up at night... This is love, the daily stuff... and we've sure got it right. Happy Anniversary."
Ugh, so sweet. Thank you so much sweetie.
Here is what my card to him said, "L O V E - Know what I love most about our life? The everyday stuff. The daily routine that keep life moving. The surprises that keep life interesting. You know...the ordinary thing. All pages in the story of us, our home, our life together. Know what I love most about our life? The way we share it. Happy Anniversary" A successful marriage requires falling in love many time, always with the same person.
After picking out our cards, we went to find a frame. We wanted to pick out a frame together and pick out a picture together to put in it. We found a great shadow box frame that says "Love" on the glass. We are going to take the mat out and write on it to, to personalize it. I love it.
While we were frame shopping a gray peacoat caught my eye. I fell in love with it. Trav said he's been wanting a nicer jacket to, so we went to the men's department and found a great deal on a black CK peacoat for him.
Then we went to Kohl's where I got a couple new shirts, and a great new purse! Travis spoiled me!
After we were done shopping we drove to Corvallis to walk along the waterfront in Corvallis. We looked in all the new little shops and restaurants along the way. It was chilly out, so we stopped at New Morning Bakery and got a hot cocoa to warm us up!
We went to dinner at a little French Restaurant called Le Bistro. The atmosphere was great, nice soft French music, and a very romantic setting. Our server was very nice. I got Lamb with mushrooms in a mushroom sauce. It came with mashed potatoes. It was AMAZING. Trav got the New York Steak that also came with the mashed potatoes. We were both very pleased with the restaurant.
After dinner we drove through the hills of Corvallis to reminisce. We went to all our old favorite make out spots. Our very favorite was at the very top of a windy hill covered in beautiful mansions. At the very top there is a coltasack to turn around in and we used to park up there and just look out over Corvallis.
We finished the evening with candles lit, snuggled up on the couch. It was a great day!
Thank you Travis, for giving me the best 10 years of my life! I have so much fun with you! I'm so glad that God brought our paths together and I look forward to our journey through life together. I love you.