So as usual we will have lunch at my mom's, with my grandma and grandpa, and possibly my Aunt Tammy and little cousin Ryan. Then we will head to the Clarks to have a snack in the evening and visit with them. And, at about 7 we will head back to my parents for dessert, games, and drinks when my cousin Lacee and her boyfriend are able to join us. The next day will be SHOPPING day! Air will pick me up at 3:30 and we'll head to Dutch Bro's and then to Kohls by 4am! And the shopping will continue throughout the day!
Ok, enough talking about things that haven't even happened yet! :) Last weekend was a blast. Friday night we went to dinner at Applebees, and then to Twilight with Air and K. Dinner was delicious, and the movie was very good! We went to bed pretty early that night, because we had a busy day Saturday.
Lacee and Hunter arrived on Saturday. They took the train. Hunters mom was picking them up, but we wanted to see them, so Trav and I went to the train station to greet them when they arrived! Then we got our grocery shopping done right in time to watch the Beavers game at home. We invited Air and K to watch it with us. I got cranberry juice and vodka to drink. I haven't had vodka in almost a it worked a little faster and "better" than normal! We cheered the Beavers on, playing drinking games off the football game, and the Beavers WON!!

Trav and I enjoying the game, and showing our Beav's Spirit!

Trav, Air, and I after we won!
It was an amazing end and now the Beavers only have to beat the Ducks in the Civil War this Saturday to get to play in the Rose Bowl! I've always wanted to go to the civil war, I always thought it was the best game, since it's the two Oregon Rival teams playing each other. Well we finally got tickets to see it this year, and THIS year, it's even more than just beating the Ducks, it's our ticket to the Rose Bowl! GO BEAVS!!!
Anyway, it was a great game and by the end of it I had polished off several cran and vod's and was feeling very tipsy! Lace and Hunter came over a little while after the game. They brought a couple friends with them, and we played catch-phrase and talked and laughed. I honestly don't remember it much. By that time I had far to much vodka in my system, but I do know it was a lot of fun!
Now it's a 3 day work week and then a nice long Thanksgiving weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!
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