We played Rock Band until it was time to meet Mon and JD for dinner. They ended up calling at 8:15. We were STARVING.
They came over and brought us more gifts because we'd given them theirs but they hadn't had a chance to get us ours yet. They got us a great 6 piece wine set with a cool cork screw that is super easy to use, and a foil cutter and 2 stoppers and a pourer. And a martini mixer that you just push a button and it mixes it for you. It's cool. We tested it out later in the weekend. :)
Then we left for Mongolian Grill. Trav and I haven't been there forever so it was really fun and delicious.
Then we went to the store to get some beef to start curing some beef jerky with our new seasoning. It takes 24 hours to cure. We watched Burn After Reading and I snuggled on the couch with my new blanket and Zues while Ladd and Trav drank themselves silly.Until 4:30 am!!! I was to tired to drink! I did stay up with them though. It's been a long time since we've been up that late.
Which would have been fine but we had planned to get up early and go to the beach the next morning. We were tired, but we still managed to get up at 9:45, had french toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and got ready to go.
We were heading out at 11:30 which was good. I wanted to be there at noon, but 1 was ok
We loaded up my car and when we got down the street a light came on that said low coolant.
eeek, We went back to put coolant in it and found that it only takes a special kind that we didn't have.
So we moved everything to Ladd's car, since his got like double or triple the gas mileage that Trav's did and he offered to drive.
We got it all loaded up and went to close the trunk and it wouldn't close. So we tried to close it for about 20 minutes before we gave up and pulled it into the garage, and moved everything to Trav's car....wondering what was going to happen to his!!!
Nothing did, thank goodness, and we were finally on the road. At 12:15. So we got to the coast at about 1:30. But it turned out that the struggle getting there was worth it. It was so beautiful! And 60 degree's, which is just unheard of on the Oregon coast! Especially in January!
We walked on the beach, and ate at mo's, and then went to another beach with tide pools and drank wine while watching the sun set. It was beautiful!

Trav and I at the coast

Trav and Ladd

Ladd and I

Sun setting....

Sunset at the Oregon Coast
When we got home we drank wine and played Yahtzee, and Uno, and Apples to Apples before watching Appaloosa at midnight.
Oh, and we cooked beef jerky and it was SOO yummy!
Sunday I slept in until 1! HA. I needed it
Trav and Ladd fixed the dryer and Ladd's trunk and then we watched and NFC game. The Cardinals won which is who we were rooting for. It was a good game.
Ladd left at 4 and Trav and I cleaned and went grocery shopping. We finished at 8 and watched tv until 11.Now it's back to the work week. I'm already looking forward to this weekend! We have a packed week this week, but the weekend we plan on getting things done around the house and relaxing.
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