Saturday was Grandad's 90th Birthday! Trav and I met up with Kathy and Amber and Jason to set up for the party. It was fun. We prepared the food and set up the tables. The party was at 1. We had lots of good food and Robert spoke for about 20 minutes about Grandad. Grandad is truly an amazing man. He is 90 but he doesn't act over 70! He is so smart!

The party went until about 5. We got home at about 7 and relaxed for a few minutes before heading out to dinner. We went to try Carino's endless soup, salad, and bread. It was amazing! I'm hooked! The Roasted Garlic Potato soup was SO good. We finished the evening with a movie. We were exhausted from the busy day!
Sunday we did our usual cleaning and chores, and in the evening Air and I went to church.
Emma has been doing very well. She is almost completely healed from the bite, and we are now working on training her on a leash. We purchased a choke collar to help us, and it seems to be helping a little. I think we need to schedule another appointment with the trainer though! She has had diarrhea lately. I swear if it's not one thing, it's another! She had it for almost a week so we decided after some on-line research, to switch her to a boiled chicken a rice diet. That seemed to firm up her stool, so we went and bought her lamb and rice food because that usually meant that the dog is allergic to chicken by product meal. After 4 days enjoying chicken and rice, we started mixing rice with the new lamb food. The diarrhea is back, so we're going to give it a few days to hopefully stabilize, but if she continues to have diarrhea it'll be another trip to the vet! Maybe she has some kind of worm? But, her spirits are high and shes having fun! She is continuing to grow so quickly!
Trav and I have been pretty much laying low the last couple weeks/weekends. :) Our lives were so crazy for a couple weeks there, I think we needed to detox! Last weekend we did some yard work, and spent one whole day watching movies on the couch. It was just what we needed!
This Friday we are leaving for Bend to visit Ladd for the weekend. We'll be rushing back early Sunday to spend Mother's Day with our mommies! I like going to visit Ladd in Bend. It's a nice getaway.
Alright, thats all for now!
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