I got back home around 1 and went grocery shopping for mother's day dinner ingredients, and Trav and I's weekly groceries. We normally go shopping on Sunday's, but we knew we would be busy all day this Sunday, so we needed to go early. I got home at 2:30 and finished packing right before Trav got home at 3! We were off to Bend!
It was a gorgeous day, which always makes the drive more fun. Plus, while I was running errands I'd been downloading new songs onto the Ipod so we had some great tunes to listen to! It was crystal clear and sunny out, and the mountains looked incredible. It's so humbling to see them in all their glory.

We arrived at the Variels at about 6:30, and first things first, had some dinner! Laurel had made 2 types of brisket, Gorgonzola macaroni, there was freshly sliced pineapple, woked mixed veggies, and artichokes! It was a feast. After dinner we gave Ladd his B-day gift. I think he really liked it. We got him a collared white DC polo, a fifth of Pendleton, and a bottle of wine. After he opened his gift he started handing out gifts. I couldn't figure out why he would get us gifts! At least not me! Trav had just had a bday, but I hadn't! They were goodies he brought us back from his trip to Russia. He got me a scarf that is made of goats wool or something. It's so pretty and is amazingly light and delicate, yet surprisingly warm! He got Trav a cool shot glass and he got us a Russia fur hat, and of course, a bottle of vodka! He spoiled us! It was really cool getting a part of their culture.
I got changed and we went into Bend to check out one of the live bands that was playing in the bar district. We settled on a Martini bar. It was so nice. It was lit by candle light and had neat art work and a great ambiance. I had a glass of red wine and the guys had a couple beers (I know, sad in a martini bar!) and we listened to the music.

We got back to Ladd's a little after 3am, and I had some cereal and attempted to go to bed. The guys were talking though, so we didn't actually get to go to bed until 7am! Needless to say, we slept in on Saturday until a little after noon.
Saturday was very relaxing. We played cards outside and watched some tv. We caught a show of a Pink Floyd concert that was really good, and at the end of the night we got captivated by re-runs of Out of the Wild. We'd never seen it, but it was about a group of volunteers who took a trip into the Alaskan mountains.
We needed our sleep because we knew the next day was going to be a busy one! So we headed to bed at 11. Our alarm woke us up at 7am, and we were ready to load up the car again by 8. We thanked the Variels and bid them farewell. Sweet Laurel who always takes such good care of us, had a breakfast burrito ready for us, and sent me home with a gorgeous bouquet of white and red roses. They were part of a HUGE bouquet that Jeff got her for their 33 year wedding anniversary.
It was another gorgeous drive in the sunshine, filled with more breathtaking views of the mountains!
We picked Emma up and headed home to get ready for our first Mother's Day event.....my family coming over for Mother's Day lunch!
We were short on time, so we thanked our lucky stars that we had cleaned the house Thursday night, and done the grocery shopping on Friday! My family arrived right at noon, and we had a lot of fun talking and cooking! We BBQ'd Salmon and veggies, and made baked beans, baked potatoes, and strawberry shortcake for dessert! Joel helped by slicing up the strawberries, and I think mom enjoyed showing me how to make her famous shortcake.
Mom loved her gift. Joel and I got her an azelia which she always talks about wanting, and a utensil set in a container....which she had specially requested.
After lunch was cleaned up we all played Apples to Apples until 4:30 when Grandma headed home. My parents and brother left shortly after. Trav and I started prepping dinner for his mom and dad. BBQ had been requested again, so we got some steaks ready to grill. I made some broccoli and garlic mashed red potatoes, along with baked beans and I had an extra batch of strawberry shortcake!!!
Robert was sick, so Kathy ended up coming alone. We had a great time chatting and eating! After dinner we watched Bride Wars. It was really funny so we all got some good laughs. Even Trav. :)
Kathy left at about 8:30, and Trav and I fell on the floor in a heap. We were so exhausted. We cleaned up and watched tv until bed.
It was a great day, but very exhausting!!
This week we are busy as well. Last night we had our first official session with the dog trainer coming to teach us how to train Emma. She did well for her first time. I think she will learn fast and be a good, well behaved dog.
Tonight Trav and I are going to a seminar "Money Talks for Couples". We are really excited. Wednesday night Air is coming over for Mongolian Beef, and Thursday I am helping mom with a trade show in Salem. We'll be on the go from 9am - 10:30pm!
The weather is supposed to be beautiful again this weekend! We are looking forward to it!
In other Clark news: Trendfort is going well! The business has started collecting money, which is always fun!! I love getting checks in the mail! We've been able to organize the processes even better already. Obviously this will be a learning experience for a while, but all of us seem to be on the same page which is the most important thing. We work together well and we're getting things figured out quickly, and problems resolved right away! Now we just need to get a few more jobs in the door!!
Happy Mother's Day to all mom's! I hope you had a wonderful day!
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