Thursday, May 31, 2007

Work work work

Yes, it has been far to long since I've posted! I have been very busy with working (in Woodburn in case you forgot) and continually working on the house, and this month with the job search. I've given up hope on driving to Woodburn everyday. It just takes to much time out of my day. I have to get up at 6:15, work from 8 - 5, and I don't get home until 6! I don't feel like a good wife because I'm so tired when I get home, the last thing I want to do it get dinner ready. The job search has been challenging. Every night when I get home I look and apply on-line....and if I'm not working on that, I'm working on getting the house together. The house by the way, has really come along! We got the floors in, and the fridge in. We moved all of our stuff from the garage into teh house...but it's not all put away. We are slowly getting there...I just haven't had the motivation I'd hoped for with the job search happening to.
The floors are beautiful! The paint it wonderful! We love it...and that's a good thing because we will probably be here for a while. I'm ok with that though! That will give us time to really make some nice updates and changes! The garden in the back is just beautiful with blooming flowers and bushes! I didn't know all the bushes flowered so beautifully so that was a nice suprise! There is still a lot to do, but at least we can live now!
SO back to the job....the thought of Woodburn these days makes me a little sick to my stomach. The job is so stressful and hard, my co-workers are not very helpful or friendly and some of them are not even pleasant! The hardest part is the long long drive....and it's not like I'm driving to something that I LOVE....I'm driving to something that stresses me out and that I think may be to much for me to handle. I'm getting a lot of pressure to take on more to, which really doesn't help. So, I come home every night and look for other jobs. I've had some good interviews....I think I may even get a couple offers here pretty soon. I am interested in a couple places though and I'm not sure which to go with....but I'm getting ahead of myself since I don't have any offers yet! Hopefully I will be a local employee soon! Having lunch with Travis would be so much fun to!
I won concert tickets on the radio last Friday! That was fun! Last summer I won tickets to the Oregon Jamboree. We sold them because we couldn't make it, but it was still fun to win! This time we are going. It's tickets for a John Mayer concert....neither of us are huge fans, but we like him! It's more for the experience anyway. I've been wanting to go to a concert for a long time! So tomorrow Travis is picking me up from work and we are trekking to Ridgeview Washington (a couple miles out of Portland) for the show! I'm really looking forward to it!
Well, hopefully I'll be able to get on here and update you a little more often. And hopefully soon things will be looking up in the job area!
I have the good stuff! Good friends, AWESOME husband, great family, wonderful home, transportation, and lots of love!!