Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Count your blessings :)

Life is so hard and sometimes I forget about all the blessings we have. Today as I was pulling out of my driveway on my way back to work after lunch I thought, "Man, I am so grateful that Trav and I haven't had any huge, expensive things go wrong with this house." And that made me realize that we have a LOT of blessings that we forget about on a daily basis. I thought it would be good to make a list of them, that I can glace at on hard days.

-We haven't had any large problems with this house. Our last house seemed to have PLENTY, so I am very aware how stressful and expensive it can be!!

-Our cars have been running well and haven't had any major problems. Thank God for that!

-Gas prices are staying at a very manageable cost! It was very stressful when they were hitting the $4 range! Eeek!

-We have each other to rely on. When I see break-ups, in real life, or even on tv I am so grateful to not have that pain. And to not even have to think about it. I am so blessed to have a husband who takes the best care of me, who I know without a doubt loves me with his all, and who is my best friend who I can tell anything to. I know that he will always be there for me and love me. And I know that he knows the same thing. Every day I thank God for Trav and our relationship. I am so grateful that he's as dedicated to "us" as I am! Relationships take a lot of work, but the payout of having a good one is 100% worth it! I'm so glad that we can be each other's strongest support system.

-We have the same goals. We haven't always, and I remember how difficult it is when you are striving for something different than your significant other is. Now since we have common goals, we can work together to reach them.

-We both have our jobs still. In this economy jobs are very unstable but we are both blessed to still have our jobs. And because we still have our jobs, we still have our incomes that come along with them!

-Amazing family! Our families are both close by and so supportive of us. I love spending time with them!

-Amazing friends! A few close ones is all we need! It's great to have friends who know you....sometimes it seems even better than you know yourself!

I'm sure there are more, but those are some key ones. I think it's important to remind yourself of all the great things you have in life. There are plenty of bad things that happen to, but looking back at this when those times arise can help!

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