Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Beavs win again!!

Beavs win again!

What a weekend! I have been trying to be extra healthy for a while so I haven't been drinking much alcohol. Well, last weekend I decided to drink to support the Beavers for their game again Standford. Trav, Air and I went to tailgate with some friends before the game. It was great hanging out with Darin and Shelby and Cheryl and Teri and some of their friends. Air and I mixed up some drinks with the infamous UV blue raspberry vodka. It was a beautiful day. Some one made a big pot of taco soup that was SO good!

Nate picked up up from the tailgater at almost 4, and we got home right before kickoff! It was a great game. The first play Quiz got the ball and ran almost 70 yards, almost scoring a TD on that first play!!! I was so excited that I got up and ran to stand right in front of the tv and was jumping up and down screaming for Quiz, and my foot hit the rug wrong and a managed to slip and fall down. I wasn't the only person who fell that night though!! I was the first. :)

Anyway, it was an awesome game and our team was great. Our defense is really shaping up, making it so our offense can play like they should be able to!

After the win (38 - 28 OSU) we celebrated with a shot of vodka. Bad idea. For some reason if you can get me to take one shot, I end up taking several. From that point on I know we had a lot of fun, I had some great coversations with Nate and with Air, but with all the shots we took it's all just a blur to me. And I paid for it Sunday. I promised myself (as I always do when I get sick from drinking) that I would never drink again, as I was laying on the floor in the bathroom next to the toilet. Sunday I wanted to just lay on the couch all day and do nothing, but instead we went grocery shopping at Winco, went to U & D Nursery to look at getting a shade tree, and went back to the house to clean up.

It was a great weekend, overall. Every now and then you have to just get a little more than tipsy. :)

This weekend it's a Bi-week for the Beavs, which means Trav and I can actually get something done on Saturday! And we have a lot that we need to get done. We're going to:
put the clear coat on the fireplace, so we can start using it
get the wood from my parents house
if we can decide on a tree, get a shade tree from U & D
trim the bushes/hedges
get and spread grass seed
plant a tree....if we get it of course
and get and return the truck to Trav's parents.

Whew! It's going to be a busy, busy productive day. I'm looking forward to getting some stuff done!

In other news, and this is going to date me someday when I see this, but I LOVE Pandora internet radio. It is great. I put Where I stood by Missy Higgins in, and now I am getting so much great new music.

Work is slowing is evident by my blogging more! So I guess thats good and bad. We need the business to stay afloat, but I also needed a little break from the madness! We'll see if CM&S is still around after the winter. We're looking good right now, but a slow winter could take us under. I really hope not, because I feel like soon the economy has to turn around and things will get back to normal.

Trav convinced me to try a new heating tactic this year for the house. We're going to leave the heat on all the time, just when we're sleeping or not there we'll turn it down to 60 or so. The plan is that since it'll never get FREEZING cold, like it normally does when we turn it off from 10pm - 5pm the next day, it won't take it long to warm up, since the walls and floor and everything won't get down to like 40 degrees! We'll see how our bill looks this month and go from there. It makes sense that it should work right? We're also going to be using our fireplace again soon so we should be able to pretty much just leave the temp at 60 and use the fireplace to heat the living room. I hope it works.

Travis continues to be just an incredible husband. He always knows what to say to calm me down if I am stressed out about something, or comfort me if I am sad or upset, and make me laugh when I want to cry. He listens when I need to vent, and talks when I need to listen. He impresses me daily with his drive and hard work to make amazing products at work. He has such a passion for work....after 3 years of working somewhere lots of people loose that, but he still has it! And his desire to keep the house clean and take care of me. It's so nice to never have to get up during the night, because Trav takes the cat out when he wakes up, and the dog out when she needs to go out. There are so many little daily things that he does for our family and he never complains about it. It's almost as if he LIKES it. I feel so blessed to have him. He makes me want to reach my goals, and be a better person. Plus, he's really funny! And everyone needs to laugh. I think back to our first year of marriage and the struggles we had with being on different schedules, and him not working and going to school full term....which really was pretty much 10am - 1 or 2 am with all the homework he had in those last few months. He was so stressed out all the time, and I was stressed out all the time. It was a rough start for us. We loved each other so much, but we needed a little relief. I am so happy that we don't have those stresses now. Sure we still have disagreements here and there, but overall we are able to just be happy and enjoy our life together.

Emma is so big. I don't know if she'll get any bigger. She's 10 months now and still so much puppy!! She can put a smile on my face so quickly. Whether it's her constant throat growl she gets when she wants to play with me when I get home, or her following me all through out the house, or her sigh or whine when we ask her to do something she doesn't want to do....or when she gets a crazy energy spurt and just runs fulls speed around the house and yard, or when we give her her favorite pink squeeze toy and she carries it everywhere and squeaks it and drops it so she can pounce it. She is so funny. She is dirty and smelly too, and noisy, but it's worth it!

We're meeting with our lawyer this Friday to go over what the depositions meeting on the 27th will be like. I'm nervous. I don't like being in the hot seat and I don't like answering questions when I could answer them "wrong" or not give them what they want to hear. I didn't do anything wrong, it wasn't my fault, and I'm the one stuck with daily pain because of it.....I have a lot of medical bills that need to be paid, not to mention I'd like some money to have for future problems I'm probably going to have.....I've been warned by several previous accident victims about. My mom sleeps in a chair because her back got so messed up from a car accident she was in 20 years ago! Also, all my pain a suffering! This has been a long, hard road. So, I'd like to get my point across and do it the right way. Seems difficult since I'm just supposed to answer yes or no, and keep my answers as short as possible. Hopefully the meeting with our lawyer will help me feel better about it. I'll be really glad when this is behind me. And I hope and pray I get a good settlement out of it.

Ok, it's almost time for lunch!

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