Monday, June 22, 2009

Cali for the weekend!

Friday at 1pm, Mom and I were on our way to Cali! Our flight didn't leave until 7, but dad didn't want to fight the traffic in Portland at, or anywhere near 5 oclock rush hour! So, Mom and I got to the airport 4 hours early! We had lots of time to bond! We played cards, wandered through the gift shops, got a soda, got some food....and finally got on our flight!
We arrived at the SNA airport at 10pm, and Aunt Chrissy and Lacee were there to pick us up shortly after. We stayed up and talked until about 2am! Lacee and Hunter have done a lot of redecorating, and the house looks really nice! And of course Ryder's room is adorable!
We woke up a little after 10 to get ready for the shower. It was at one of Lacee's friends mom's house! It was a nice house, and they had the backyard all set up for the shower! Very cute. We played games, talked baby, ate lots of good food and cake, and watched Lacee open all her cute gifts!! I can't wait for Aunt Chrissy to email me all the pics so I can post some up here!
After the shower we headed back to the house and relaxed for a while. Mom and Aunt Chrissy went to get us some food and came back with food and movies. In-n-out food to be more specific. I loved my hamburger animal style!
Sunday we slept in again and I got ready to go. Lace dropped me off at the airport for my first experience flying alone. Luckily it was a small airport, and I didn't have any problems at all.
Travy picked me up and took me to one of my favorite resturants....Old Spaghetti Factory! We stopped by to see my dad, who is bachin it all week. My mom is staying with Aunt Chrissy and won't be back until the 28th!
Of course my wonderful husband had cleaned the house, done the laundry, and gone grocery shopping already so everything was perfect when we got home. We just got to relax and enjoy what was left of Sunday evening.
This weekend we have big plans. To do NOTHING!!! :) Have a great week!

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