Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Fun

Holy cow it has been WAY to long since I've posted. The summer has been so busy! First of all let me just say, HOLY HOTNESS! We had a few days last week that were WAY to hot! July 28th the temp got up to 108! We're in Oregon people, not Arizona!

So what have we been up to? 4th of July weekend was a blast. Instead of camping on the busiest camping weekend of the year, we decided to do a few things we've been wanting to do! Taking advantage of the 3 day weekend, we spend Friday rafting down the river. We took Emma to Air's to play with Mya and Bell, and loaded the Denali up with all our rafting supplies! It was a warm sunny day.....great for rafting! We had a lot of fun on the river....Travis saved us once...thanks babe! Good thing he saved us, because when we got back he realized he'd left his keys to our car....that was parked were we got off the river so we could drive it to pick up Air's car....he left them IN Air's car. So we got to spend some time standing in the park, waiting for another ride. It was still a good day.

Saturday was the 4th, and the 3 of us piled back into teh Denali, this time with all 3 dogs, and headed to the beach for a beautiful sunny day at the beach and to watch the fireworks in the evening. We left behind sunshine in the valley, and traded it in for a typical day on the beach....cold and foggy. Silly us. I had even forgotten how the beach was when it was cold and's not as fun as when it's sunny! But the dogs still had a blast and we enjoyed sitting on the beach in our sweatshirts. After dinner at Mo's though, we decided to head back to Corvallis to catch the fireworks, since we couldn't see anything through the thick fog on the beach! We made it back and caught a great show.

Work work work

The week of the 6th Travis came down with something....bad. Body aches, fever, hot and col looked horrible. He came home early from work on the 8th, stayed home the 9th and the 10th. We're pretty sure he got swine flu. I don't know how, but I didn't get it! Thank goodness. It looked awful!

That weekend we dog sat for Air while she was in Vegas. Trav was still recovering so it was good to just be able to sit around all day and watch tv.

The weekend of the 24th Trav and I took a 3 day weekend and went out to Yukwah with my brother and Air and Ladd. It was SO nice. I wish we could've stayed another couple days. We got "our spot" that is outside the actual campground so we don't have neighbors closeby and we get to really "rough it".We just layed on our floaties on the river (I bought a new floaty at a garage sale a couple weeks ago and it had a drink holder and a back and arm's pretty much awesome! Best $3 I've spent in a while) and ate camping food and talked and laughed and drank.

Emma had a blast. She loved it. This was her first experience with water...other than the bath. She had to be coaxed in and was a little scared at first, but then she fell in and when she realized she could swim she just loved it. So for the rest of the weekend she just swam around the river hole we were at, she swam around collecting all the leaves in the water in her mouth and bringing them back to shore, dropping them off, and then going back out for more. My little water dog. :)

Her training is really paying off now. We've even done off leash training now and our trainer just told us that he thinks she's good enough that he doesn't need to come back anymore....although we need to still work with her for a while. She is still a puppy so she forgets sometimes and she gets distracted by other people and other dogs. She gets so excited and wants to play with them....or at least say hello! I think she is going to grow up to be a very good doggie though.

Other than that lets see.....last weekend we went to the beach where Ladd's parents had a beach house rented. It was SO nice. I love days at the beach, they are always so relaxing. We ended up taking a nap on the sand. It felt so good with the sun shining on us keeping us warm and listening to the waves go in and out. It was a very relaxing day.

We have been going to TONS of free concerts! We went to Joe Nicols at the Linn County fair. He put on a GREAT show. I ended up knowing almost every single song he played! It was a lot of fun! The next week we went and saw Chuck Wicks at River Rythems. And last week we saw Lady Antebellum at the Benton County fair and that was another amazing show!!

Trav and I were trying to decide what to do for our 4 year anniversary. We usually go on a trip, but we just went to Mexico in March so we only have about $800.00 in our vacation budget. So we thought we'd just go to the Oregon coast for a few days....get a nice room with an ocean view, or maybe a beach house. Oh my gosh it was so expensive! Anything decent on the coast (anywhere from seaside to florence) was $300 or more a night!! So we pretty much couldn't even afford that if we wanted to eat.

BUT, then I thought of Victoria. We love Victoria. It's so pretty and just a fun vacation spot. You can entertain yourself all day just walking around, or if you have money to burn there are TONS of things to do. So I looked up hotels there and we found a great one for $105 a night!! So even with gas to get there and back and the ferry to get over there it is still cheaper than the coast. Plus we have extra spending cash! I am really excited. We haven't been there in 6 - 7 years and I've been wanting to go. So, we're leaving the 19th at 6am and coming back the 22nd at 2am!

We have that to look forward to AND we got the Beaver 3 pack again, so we have at least 3 football games to look forward to! Hopefully Trav will win some more tix from his work again to!! I can't believe it's already almost time for football!

This weekend we were going to go camping again but we decided we needed a weekend for just do nothing....or do things around the house, etc. Which turned out, because it doesn't look like the weather is going to be great for camping anyway. Trav has really been wanting a weekend at home......I think to get things done in the yard. :) We'll see what happens! We've been wanting to go on a hike, so we might go do that to.

Well, I think I've caught up on most of our summer so far!! I'm still working 4 days a week...Mon - Thurs. It's not looking like I'm going to be back to 5 days a week....well probably until next busy maybe April or May. Hopefully by then the economy will be back in full swing and business will be booming! Not that I HATE having Friday's off. :) But I do miss the money! I continue to be grateful to have a job in this mess....grateful that we both have jobs!

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