Monday, September 10, 2007

What a weekend!

It's Monday again! Wow, they come back so quickly!
Trav and I had a lot of fun over the weekend! Friday we went over to Air and K's and played games, had a fire, and drank some drinks. We had a really good time! We crashed at about 2am. We slept in until 11 the next morning, and eventually got up to eat some eggs and sausage. We said goodbye to Air and K and decided we should do our "Sunday" chores, since we knew we were going to be in Portland on Sunday. So we went to Rays to get our fresh fruits and veggies, and then hit Fred Meyer to pick up our other groceries. We have been wanting a relaxing weekend, so when we got home and cleaned up the house, we decided it would be a great evening to settle in and watch movies! It was so nice to have a relaxing evening.
The alarm went off at 7am, so it felt like a work day when we had to get up! We are so used to sleeping in on the weekends, it was hard to get up so early! The Clarks Sr. arrived to pick us up at 8:30am and we headed to Jason and Ambers up in Portland. We were on our way to the Bodyworlds 3 show at OMSI.
We made a pit stop at IKEA before going to OMSI. It was much different than I pictured it. There were a LOT of people there, which made it very crowded. I think I would like to check it out at least once more, when I have more time and hopefully there won't be as many people there! It is HUGE, 2 stories and just stuffed full of stuff. On the top level they have whole rooms set up with a list of what is in there in the room, so if you want you can just buy the whole room, or just buy the parts you like out of it. That was pretty cool.
The Bodyworlds 3 exhibit was very interesting. I'm not much into watching the surgeries and stuff on TV, and I was interested to see how this was done, but I knew I may not be able to handle it for long. It is amazing how many parts there are in the human body to make it work. Trav and I walked through pretty quickly. It was very crowded in there as well, and I was pretty sick of crowds at that point! The rest of the family was still wandering through, so we went out on the waterfront and soaked in the sun rays. It was a very nice afternoon. We went for a walk along the waterfront before heading back in to see if the rest of our group had made it out! Travis had woken up with a sore throat, that I had on Saturday night but seemed to be gone on Sunday. He wasn't feeling to great by the end of the day. We were both tired and fell asleep on the drive home. Once home we just relaxed a little more and went to bed early. Trav really wasn't feeling great. Poor guy.
This morning we got up and showered, and Trav really didn't sound good. I told him he should call in so he could rest today and hopefully catch this bug before it really takes over. I hope he is feeling better soon!
This Saturday we get to go to a BEAVERS GAME!!! YEAH! We are really excited. It's a lot of fun to go to the games. We are going to make a day of it....tailgate for a good part of the day before it and party it up after! Whether we win or lose! I hope we win though!
Alright, I've babbled on and on enough! This was a pretty boring post!
Happy Monday! Hopefully this week will go by fast and the weekend will be here again in no time!

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