Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life in Clark-land

It's 3pm on Tuesday! Almost time to go home, have some dinner (burritos are on the menu tonight), hit the gym for a nice workout, and come home to relax!
Tomorrow is Trav's 26th bday!! Happy Birthday to my dear husband!
I got him guitar hero 3, but I gave it to him on Friday because I couldn't stand keeping the secret! And I knew he wouldn't mind getting his gift early! Plus, that evening we were getting together with friends and I wanted to be able to bring it to the party! We have had so much fun playing it!
Friday night we had dinner with Brian, Lindsey, Jeff, and Maria. Jeff recently accepted a job and is going to be out of the Allied death grip next week! Go Jeff! So we had to celebrate. We went to dinner at our new favorite place, GameTime, and then headed to Lindsey and Brians where we rocked out on guitar hero until 1. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday was an amazingly beautiful day here in the valley! It got up to 85! We had to dog sit for the Clarks Sr. so we headed to Corvallis a little after noon. We took Buddy roller blading to enjoy the weather and get his walk in, all at the same time! We came back for a break and played some guitar hero before heading back out. This time we went on a much longer trip, leaving Buddy at home.
It was so nice out, and it was a lot of fun to go rollerblading in places we used to about 10 years ago! At about 6 we headed back to BBQ some dinner!
That night we played guitar hero for probably 6 hours! It was a blast.
Sunday was just the usual. Chores, grocery shopping, and relaxing before the new week begins!
Now we're back to it! Tomorrow we are going to Trav's parents for Bday dinner. Friday we are going to Red Lobster with Lindsey, Brian, Air, K, Mon and JD to celebrate, and Saturday evening we are going out with my parents to celebrate! Lots of parties for Trav.
Well, I still have some work to do and 5 is starting to close in on me! Back to it! Have a great week!!

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