Monday, January 21, 2008

46 days until Riviera Maya!

Another weekend has come and gone. It was a good one though!
Friday evening we headed over to Brian and Lindsey's house. Jeff and his girlfriend Maria showed up at about 6:30 and we all took off for Wyatts to have some dinner.We had very yummy food, I had the chicken Cesar wrap which I love!
After dinner went went back to Brian and Lindsey's to have some drinks and play games! We broke out the wine and Apples to Apples first. Chris and Brandi came over during Apples to Apples and we all had a lot of fun playing! Later in the evening we played Catch Phrase, which was so much fun! I think I may just be that games are funner and funner the more you drink. Anyway, by the end of the night people were throwing the catch phrase at the next person to get it out of their hands before the buzzer went off! We had a great time.
Saturday Trav and I slept in, but then for some reason we were REALLY productive. I love those days! We put on switch covers that we hadn't put on yet from when we re modeled. We counted anything we didn't have a switch cover for and went straight to Home Depot to buy them. We also picked up a new dining room light. When we got home we installed the light & put the remaining switch covers on! It felt so good to get it done! Everything feels much more complete in the house now! Of course there are still things we want to do over time, but this was a step in the right direction!
After all that, we went to the gym and did a good cardio workout before jumping in the pool and spa! The pool and spa are so nice to have available! Then we headed back to the house and made a delicious new recipe before watching the Bourne Ultimatum. It was an action packed movie, and it was great!
Sunday we got up and started right into our Sunday chores. We got a lot done! We treated ourselves with a coffee from the little shop down the street from our house. They make delicious coffee!!It was a good weekend! We had fun with friends, got a lot around the house accomplished, and got some relaxing in!
Now it's back to work for another week. There are only 46 days left until we leave for Mexico!! It's coming up! Have a good week!

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