Friday, November 30, 2007

The holidays are in full swing!

Random Things:
I have found that I love jalapenos! Strange I know, but I like them a lot....on pretty much everything!
My job is going well. I am learning the "last part" the drivers papers. It's actually pretty fun to do! I am still learning, but I feel like I am getting a good handle on it! Then I will really know pretty much everything about this office! It's a great feeling to know what is going on! I know the summer will be SUPER busy with adding drivers papers to the work I already do, but I think it's doable. And the more familiar I get with everything, the faster I will get!
I noticed I don't blog about work much anymore, but I am sure that is a good thing. If I was blogging about it, I would more than likely be blogging about all the things I hate about it!
Travis has been continuing to do a spectacular job at his work. He really enjoys it and they really enjoy having him. He is always impressing everyone! I love the way he can just think through a situation so quickly and find a solution. He is going to go so far! He is working on getting 3 sites ready to launch in a brand new format that he designed. It's not public yet, but he shows me all that he's done and it is amazing! I am so proud of him.
We are doing very well. We have really been enjoying each other and the new house and where were are in our lives right now. I feel like we are finding our groove in life! It's so great to be married to your best friend! We have had so much fun over the years and there is so much more to come. It's fun working through life's problems together and finding our own solutions!
Speaking of fun, it's almost December, which is by far, one of my very favorite months! I LOVE Christmas....the cold air, all the crazy shoppers, the decorations, the music, the sales, the lights, the programs, the's so festive! Trav and I are going to pick out and cut down our tree tomorrow and then we're going to decorate the house! I am really looking forward to it!
Well, I am leaving work at 4 today because I have to go to the dentist. I like getting my teeth cleaned, because I like them being clean, and getting checked and all that good stuff, but I don't like the actual cleaning part. It will be nice to have it out of the way though. And then the weekend officially begins! Trav and I are going to dinner at a place we haven't tried yet tonight. We haven't even picked where we're going yet, but it's going to be fun!
Well, I'm going to get back to work.... 2.5 hours to go! Have a great weekend and a happy December!!

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